Vietnamese Language and culture Experience Day for UD-UED international students taking the Vietnamese course starting in October, 2023

Thursday - 28/03/2024 14:25
On March 21, The University of Danang - University of Science and Education (UD-UED) organized a language and culture experience day for the international students taking the Vietnamese course starting in October, 2023.
This field trip took place at Ma Chau Silk Village, Broom Craft village The Museum of Sa Huynh -Champa Culture Museum and The My Son sanctuary.
The international students at UD-UED before starting the field trip.
There were 14 international students from different countries in the world. Each student comes to the Vietnamese class at UD-UED for different reasons, but the common thing is that they all love the Vietnamese language and the country and people of Vietnam. Therefore, the experience day is an activity that international students are always excited about and looking forward to.
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The international students at Ma Chau Silk Village.
The international students at Broom craft village.
The international students at The My Son sanctuary.

Tham bao tang van hoa Sa Huynh
The international students at The Museum of Sa Huynh -Champa Culture Museum.
The language and culture experience day is part of the Vietnamese Language Program at UD-UED. The destinations selected in the program are all famous landscapes, historical and cultural spots or traditional craft villages. This not only enables international students to better understand the culture, country and people of Vietnam, but also creates a practical environment for international students to communicate with local people and hone their Vietnamese skills.
Thanh Mai

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