Elementary Mathematics Methods

Thursday - 07/10/2021 00:52
Elementary Mathematics Methods
No. Code Courses Number of credits
Credits Theory Practice/
3 2 1  
1 31635001 Philosophy 3 2 1
    Compulsory courses 24 16.5 7.5
2 31125076 Foundations of Modern Calculus 2 1.5 0.5
3 31125002 Foundations of  Modern Algebra 2 1.5 0.5
4 31135081 Number theory and applications 3 2 1
5 31135034 Graph theory and applications 3 2 1
6 31135099 Functional equations and inequalities 3 2 1
7 31125100 Mathematical logic and methods of proof 2 1.5 0.5
8 31135101 Equality and inequality 3 2 1
9 31135113 Optimization and applications 3 2 1
10 31135114 Probability methods in elementary mathematics 3 2 1
    Elective courses 27 19 8
11 31135115 Polynomial theory and applications 3 2 1
12 31125057 Diophantine equation 2 1.5 0.5
13 31125103 Complex numbers and applications 2 1.5 0.5
14 31135083 Foundations of applied geometry 3 2 1
15 31125116 Some topics in algebra in the advanced training of mathematically gifted students 2 1.5 0.5
16 31135117 Some topics in geometry in the advanced training of mathematically gifted students 3 2 1
17 31125118 Some topics in Calculus in the advanced training of mathematically gifted students 2 1.5 0.5
18 31125119 Some topics in number sequences in the advanced training of mathematically gifted students 2 1.5 0.5
19 31125055 Vector method 2 1.5 0.5
20 31135107 Combinatorial geometry 3 2 1
21 31135120 Convex analysis and applications 3 2 1
22 31165091 Internship 6 0 6
23 31195092 THESIS 9 0 9
Total number of Compulsory credits 42      
Minimum total number of elective credits 18      


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