Biological Technology

Thursday - 07/10/2021 00:47
Biological Technology


(Công nghệ Sinh học)
2 Objective To enable students of biotechnology to have professional skills and knowledge and scientific research capacity to work in fields related to Biotechnology, medicine, agriculture and environment; have the ability to adapt to a changing working environment and have the capacity for lifelong learning; have the ability to start a business, have the professional qualities and ethics.
3 Job Opportunities: Upon graduation, students can:
* At companies or units that produce, provide services and do business in the fields of Medicine, Agriculture, Food and Environment:
- Work as Product research and development (R&D) staff,
- Work as Product quality supervisors,
- Work as Production executives,
- Work as technicians in hospitals, medical centers,
- Work as Technicians to install and maintain laboratory equipment,
- Work as Product and business consultant.
* At Institutes and Research Centers in the field of Biotechnology
- Work as Research staff
- Work as Administrative staff
- Work as Coordinators of research and application projects
* At State management agencies in the fields of Medicine, Agriculture and Environment:
- Work as Administrative procedure management officials
- Work as Project management officials
- Work in other similar positions
* At educational and training units in the fields related to Biology:
- Work as Teachers of Biology or Technology at secondary and high schools (with teaching skills certificates)
- Work as teachers of basic or specialized subjects at colleges and vocational schools
* Regarding start-ups:
- Be a founder and operator of production and business models of biotech products
- Be a consultant for start-up projects
4 Further education: - Take post graduate programs.
5 Contact


No. Code Course No. of credits Prerequisite course
Credits Theory Practice    
1st 2nd  
1 21231902 Marxist-Leninist Philosophy 3 2 1 0    
2 21321901 Marxist-Leninist political economy 2 1.5 0.5 0 21231902  
3 21221903 Scientific Socialism 2 1.5 0.5 0 21321901  
4 21221904 History of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2 1.5 0.5 0 21221903  
5 21321922 Ho Chi Minh’s Thought 2 1.5 0.5 0 21221903  
6 31221885 General Information Technology 2 1 0 1    
7 31621549 General Laws 2 2 0 0    
8 31421181 Organic chemistry 2 2 0 0    
9 31321977 General Physics 2 2 0 0    
10 31431315 Analytical chemistry 3 2 0 1    
11 31121994 Probability and statistics 2 2 0 0    
12 31521678 General biology 2 2 0 0    
13 31521503 Introduction to Biotechnology 2 2 0 0    
14 31921337 General Environmental Science 2 2 0 0    
15 31721737 Field trip 2 0 0 2    
16 00101265 Physical education 1 (1) (0) (1) (0)    
17 00101266 Physical education 2 (1) (0) (1) (0)    
18 00101267 Physical education 3 (1) (0) (1) (0)    
19 00101268 Physical education 4 (1) (0) (1) (0)    
20 00201264 National Defense Education (4t)          
    Foundation courses 22 13 0 9    
21 31521681 Cell Biology 2 2 0 0    
22 31521815 Pracice of Cell Biology 2 0 0 2 31521681  
23 31531680 Molecular Biology 3 3 0 0 31521681  
24 31521075 Pracice of Molecular Biology 2 0 0 2 31531680  
25 31531987 Microbiology 3 3 0 0    
26 31521832 Pracice of Microbiology 2 0 0 2 31531987  
27 31431317 Biochemistry 3 3 0 0 31431315  
28 31521803 Pracice of Biochemistry 2 0 0 2 31531317  
29 31531018 Biostatistics 3 2 0 1 31121994  
    Specialized courses 83 65 0 18    
30 31521155 Biosafety 2 2 0 0 31531987  
31 31531499 Principles and equipment of biotechnology 3 2 0 1 31321977  
32 31531684 Animal physiology 3 2 0 1 31521681  
33 31531011 Research Methodology for Biotechnology 3 3 0 0    
34 31531012 Genetic Engineering 3 3 0 0 31531680  
35 31521015 Pracice of Genetic Engineering 2 0 0 2 31531012  
36 31531686 Plant Physiology 3 3 0 0 31521681  
37 31521818 Pracice of Plant Physiology 2 0 0 2 31531686  
38 31521017 Professional practice 2 0 0 2 31721737  
39 31531032 Bioinformatics 3 2 0 1 31531680  
40 31531019 Immunology 3 3 0 0    
41 31531020 Medicinal Biotechnology 3 2 0 1    
42 31531103 Animal Biotechnology 3 3 0 0 31531684  
43 31531108 Plant Biotechnology 3 2 0 1 31531686  
44 31531106 Mushroom biotechnology 3 2 0 1    
45 31531022 Microbial technology in agriculture 3 2 0 1 31531987  
46 31531023 Postharvest technology 3 2 0 1 31531317  
47 31531024 Microbiological technology in environmental pollution control 3 2 0 1 31531987  
48 31521025 Start - up 2 2 0 0    
49 31531102 Protein-enzyme technology 3 2 0 1 31531317  
    Elective courses 28 26 0 2    
50 31521217 Environmental Toxicology 2 2 0 0 31921337  
51 31522214 Project and production management 2 2 0 0    
52 31521095 Biodiversity and sustainable development 2 2 0 0    
53 31521054 Nanobiotechnology 2 2 0 0    
54 31521026 Pharmaceutical biotechnology 2 2 0 0 31531019  
55 31521157 Molecular diagnostics 2 2 0 0 31531680  
56 31521027 Molecular markers in breeding 2 2 0 0 31531680  
57 31531028 Food safety 3 2 0 1    
58 31521029 High-tech agricultural production 2 2 0 0    
59 31531030 Algal Biotechnology 3 2 0 1    
60 31521031 Plant technology for environmental pollution control 2 2 0 0    
61 31521033 Biomarkers 2 2 0 0    
62 31521034 Biomedical microbiology 2 2 0 0 31531987  
    Practice and thesis graduation 16 0 3 13    
63 31541161 Graduation internship 4 0 0 4 31521017  
    Compulsory electives (6/12 credits) 12 0 3 9    
64 31561162 Graduation thesis 6 0 0 6    
65 31531035 Graduation Project 3 0 0 3    
66 31531036 Current Issues on Biotechnology 3 0 3 0    
Total number of core credits 113 77 3 33  
Total minimum number of elective credits 17        


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