Algebra and number theory

Thursday - 07/10/2021 00:53
Algebra and number theory
No. Code Courses Number of credits
Credits Theory Practice/
3 3 0
1 31635001 Philosophy 3 3 0
    Compulsory courses 12 8.5 3.5
1 31125076 Foundations of Modern Calculus 2 1.5 0.5
2 31125002 Foundations of. Modern Algebra 2 1.5 0.5
3 31135077 Ring and module theory                                                      3 2 1
4 31135038 Group theory 3 2 1
5 31125080 Geometric group theory 2 1.5 0.5
    Elective courses 27 18.5 8.5
6 31125013 Advanced linear algebra 2 1.5 0.5
7 31135093 Foundations of Algebraic Analysis 3 2 1
8 31135083 Foundations of applied geometry 3 2 1
9 31135094 Local cohomology 3 2 1
10 31125087 Tensor algebra 2 1.5 0.5
11 31135089 Stochastic calculus 3 2 1
12 31135090 Nonlinear optimization 3 2 1
13 31135084 Category and functor theory 3 2 1
14 31135095 Rings with chain conditions 3 2 1
15 31125096 Number theory and applications 2 1.5 0.5
    Research projects 12 4 8
16 31135121 Commutative Algebra 3 1 2
17 31135122 Algebraic Geometry 3 1 2
18 31135097 Gromov Hyperbolic Group 3 1 2
19 31135098 Sigma[M] Category 3 1 2
20 311155029 THESIS 15 0 15
Total number of Compulsory credits 42    
Minimum total number of elective credits 18    

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